Posted by Mark A. Velez | Jan 26, 2020 |
After you are arrested for a first time DUI there are two separate government actions that will take place. First, the DMV will take steps to suspend your driver's license. Second, the local prosecutor will file a criminal case against you. These government actio...
Posted by Mark A. Velez | Jan 21, 2020 |
If you are driving and see a police car behind you with their emergency lights flashing, you should immediately, and safely, pull over. Do not stop in the middle of the street, and do not search for what you consider a safe spot. Chances are when the officer t...
Posted by Mark A. Velez | Jan 21, 2020 |
If you are arrested for a DUI, there are two separate proceedings that take place. The first is an administrative hearing with the DMV. This is where the DMV will seek to take actions against your license. During this process a DMV adminis...
Posted by Mark A. Velez | Jan 21, 2020 |
I would strongly recommend you do not consent to a police search. There are several ways the police can legally search you, your vehicle, and your house. The most common ways are with a search warrant issued, probable cause, and consent. A warrant is very time...
Posted by Mark A. Velez | Jan 21, 2020 |
The quick answer is “maybe.” The police must read your Miranda rights if: 1. you were arrested, and 2. You were questioned. The courts have discussed at length what constitu...
Posted by Mark A. Velez | Jan 05, 2020 |
Generally, yes you are allowed to film police officers. I say generally because you are not allowed to video confidential information, or film an officer if you are interfering with the performance of their duties. What constitutes “confidential in...