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Misconceptions About Police Interrogations

Posted by Mark A. Velez | May 28, 2023 | 0 Comments

Misconceptions About Police Interrogations

One of the most misunderstood concepts about police interrogations is the belief that innocent individuals will not confess to crimes they did not commit. This misconception arises from the assumption that people would never admit to something they did not do, especially under the pressure of police questioning. However, research and real-life cases have shown that false confessions can and do occur.

False confessions can happen for various reasons, including psychological pressure, coercion, fear, exhaustion, confusion, or the desire for a perceived benefit, such as a reduced sentence or the belief that the truth will eventually come out. Certain interrogation techniques, such as prolonged questioning, deception, manipulation, or the presentation of false evidence, can increase the likelihood of false confessions, especially when used on vulnerable individuals such as juveniles, those with intellectual disabilities, or people with mental health issues.

Another aspect that contributes to misunderstandings about police interrogations is the assumption that police always act in good faith and have the training to conduct interrogations without bias. However, research and cases have demonstrated instances of misconduct, including improper questioning techniques, withholding exculpatory evidence, or intentionally pressuring suspects into false confessions. While the majority of police officers strive to uphold the law and act ethically, it's essential to acknowledge the potential for human error, biases, or even intentional misconduct during interrogations. Remember, police can lie to you in order get you to make incriminating statements.

Understanding these misconceptions highlights the importance of safeguards to protect the rights of individuals during police interrogations. Legal systems often require the presence of defense attorneys, recording equipment, and adherence to specific protocols to minimize the risk of false confessions and ensure a fair process. Ongoing research and advancements in forensic psychology and interrogation techniques aim to improve the understanding of these complexities and promote more effective and ethical methods of obtaining accurate information during police interrogations.

Before being interrogated by the police, tell the police you want an attorney so your rights are not violated.

About the Author

Mark A. Velez

Mark A. Velez My name is Mark Velez and thank you for visiting my site. I would like to take a moment to tell you about who I am and why I opened my own law practice. I was born and raised in Southern California. After completing high school, I applied at the Palos Verdes Estates Police Departme...


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